ashtanghriday book publication

Publication Ceremony of Ashtanghridaya Sutrasthan written by Vaidya D.P.Gadgil, Vaidya Y.V.Joshi and Vaidya Sachin Kulkarni, published by Mankarnika Publication, Pune(India), on 31/10/2010 in presence of Padmashree Vijay Bhatkar, Padmavibhushan Raghunath Mashelkar, Vaidya S.P.Sardeshmukh, Vaidya Prashant Suru and Vaidya Madhuri Wagh
Publication ceremony

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This site is created for communication with the readers of  the book Ashtanghridaya (Sutrasthan). This book is written by Vaidya D.P.Gadgil, Vaidya Y.V.Joshi and Vaidya Sachin Kulkarni and was published by Mankarnika Publication, Pune, India on 31/10/2010.

For this Publication Ceremony  Padmavibhushan Raghunath Mashelkar, Padmashree Vijay Bhatkar,  Vaidya S.P.Sardeshmukh and Vaidya Prashant Suru were the guests.

This book is in Marathi language. Along with this book one software CD was also published. This is very innovative idea of authors to give the students much and more benefit  to study Ashtanghridaya.

Software CD… Innovative Idea…

Along with this book one CD is provided. This is a unique concept in the field of Ayurved. This CD will be definitely useful for new learners of Ayurved.

Ayurved should be stu
died in three steps i.e. 
PATHA (Recitation), 
AVABODHA (Understanding) and 
ANUSHTHAN (Following accordingly)

This CD is meant for the first step of Ayurved learning i.e. recitation.  All the 30 chapters of Ashtanghridaya have been recorded in the voice of Vaidya Gadgil Sir. You can hear the chapters as many times as you can. Along with voice the script is also appears on your screen which will be automatically scrolls upward in synchronizing with voice, so that at a time you can see and hear the chapter. It helps you to recite the chapters very fast.

Along with voice files of 30 chapters, 10 useful videos, 150 pictures and few other information is also included in CD. This CD is developed by Shailani Software Solutions, Pune.

FAQ's related to CD are available in 'FAQ' section of this site.
